Water Valley Lodge
Water Valley Lodge in beautiful Choctaw County, Alabama
Water Valley Lodge is the destination for outdoorsmen looking for a first class hunting operation. Located in rural Choctaw County, Alabama, Water Valley offers whitetail deer hunting, Eastern turkey hunting, quail hunting and wild hog hunting.
Alabama whitetail hunting season runs from October 15 until January 31 each year. During an Alabama whitetail hunting season wild hogs may also be hunted (wild hogs, varmints and predators may be hunted year round in Alabama). Add to this that there is no season nor are there any bag limits on varmints or predators and Alabama is home to the famous January rut.
What this means is a hunter at Water Valley Lodge may hunt whitetail deer, hogs, predators and varmints in the same hunt, with multiple limits on all.
February is the designated "best" month for hog hunting at Water Valley. February is a cold month and the deer hunting pressure is over. The guides at Water Valley are able to devote all efforts to hog hunting only after deer season ends. What a great time to be in Alabama!
Turkey hunting at Water Valley sees some years at 100% success rate. This success does vary from year to year but our guides are second to none. Multiple kills during a turkey hunt is common.
One of the great things about quail hunting at Water Valley is that it may be combined with deer hunting or turkey hunting (Quail hunting is not offered in January.) Another great aspect about quail hunting in Alabama is the length of the season. The season runs from October 15 through March 31.
Please look at our web site showing what Water Valley looks like, how we operate and what we have to offer. In addition to looking at our web site, please feel free to call or email us.
Water Valley Lodge
2742 Melvin Road
Gilbertown, AL 36908
T: 251-843-3168
F: 251-843-2106
Copyright 2012 - Water Valley Lodge, LLC. All rights reserved.
